Short-term Parking Vouchers

Any citizen or guest of Gabrovo city can purchase an electronic short-term parking voucher from shops/commercial establishments marked with a sign indicating that it is a cash payment point for parking in the Paid Parking Zone. Cash payment points are marked on a virtual map, which you can see here.

There is an option to choose a parking period between 30 minutes and 8 hours.

Parking Cards

Any citizen or guest of Gabrovo city can purchase an electronic card from shops/commercial establishments marked with a sign indicating that it is a cash payment point for parking in the Paid Parking Zone. There are two types of cards available – a weekly card (valid for 5 working days from the selected date) and a two-week card (valid for 10 working days from the selected date).

Card Prices:

25 BGN – Weekly card (5 working days);

50 BGN – Two-week card (10 working days).

Parking through Mobile Application

The mobile application allows you to choose a parking period between 30 minutes and 8 hours. Additionally, you can save the license plate numbers of different vehicles for quick access.

You can download the MOBZZO application for Android or iOS, after which you need to register and load your virtual wallet.


Blocking the wheel of improperly parked motor vehicles

A motor vehicle parked in a paid parking zone without paying the due fee may be forcibly immobilized using a technical device called a “wheel clamp.”

The wheel clamp is placed on the front wheel of the vehicle from the driver’s side.

Damaging or releasing the wheel clamp by any person other than authorized personnel is strictly prohibited.

In case of damage to the wheel clamp, the responsibility lies with the owner of the forcibly immobilized motor vehicle before its release by authorized personnel.

A notice indicating that the motor vehicle has been forcibly immobilized and instructions for its release is placed on the front windshield of the immobilized car.

The driver of the motor vehicle subjected to forced immobilization pays the cost of applying the technical device.

The cost of applying the forced administrative measure of “wheel clamping” on a motor vehicle using the technical device is 20.00 BGN with VAT.

Forced Relocation of Improperly Parked Motor Vehicles

Designated officials from the control service have the authority to relocate or order the relocation of a motor vehicle to a guarded parking area for forcibly relocated vehicles without notifying the driver in cases under Art. 171, para. 5 of the Road Traffic Act.

The new location of the relocated motor vehicle is promptly reported to the District Police Department – Gabrovo.

The relocation of blocked cars takes place at the specialized Punitive Parking located at 2 Stefan Karadzha Street.

Cost for applying the forced administrative measure “Forced Relocation” of a motor vehicle (repatriation) – 50.00 BGN with VAT.

Punitive Parking fee – 2.00 BGN with VAT per hour (for each started hour).

If the driver appears at the violation site before the repatriating vehicle departs, the vehicle is released on the spot after paying half of the relocation expenses.

  • +359 66 800 126

  • +359 66 800 128

  • +359 66 800 127


  • Gabrovo, 2 Marcel de Biscop square
  • +359 884 405 981
  • Work time:
    06:45 – 19:25 ч.


  • Gabrovo, 2 Stefan Karadzha St
  • +359 66 805 566
  • Work time:
    05:15 – 20:30 ч.

Round-the-clock roadside assistance – Venets Cars

  • Gabrovo, 25 Vanche Mihailov street (next to the Kartalov morgue)
  • +359 879 278 666

Roadside assistance 24/7 – Chapek

  • Gabrovo, Vasilka Beneva St. 1A
  • +359 894 788 982